Alpha Montessori
Sensory eduction for our future generation.
Sensory Education for our future generation
At Alpha Montessori learning is designed to be engaging for the children and by making it so the greater the benefit. Montessori materials are sensory stimulating and tactile elements draw attention of the children. Learning how to learn is a preparation for life, but we have also made it engaging!
We are dedicated to promoting quality Montessori education for children from age 4 months to 6 years offering a quarter, half or full day with aftercare options. A 1:10 adult/child ratio applies to 3-6 year olds and 1:6 to 1-3 year olds. Activities are auto-didactic and allow for further exploration.
Our pre-school is designed to make it feel like a ‘home away from home’ for your child becoming a place where your child can be him/herself. Our environment is one where we all respect each other, adults and children alike and is a place full of interesting things to do.It becomes a place where your child can grow knowing that they ‘belong’ and that they are special…..this is the Montessori philosophy.

The pre-school years are an exceptional time when good foundations can be laid to maximise children’s future learning potential. We prepare each child and nurture their natural desire to learn, allowing them to take their next educational step as independent, self-confident young individuals. Alpha Montessori is a home of discovery, exploration, growth, work and happiness for our "future fathers of mankind" . sensory and hands-on experiences allow for the absorption of activities throughout the child innate sensitive periods , promoting concentration through repetition, whilst perfecting skills required to grow and continue on their journey of learning.

A nurturing environment, where children are at liberty to develop their full potential

Our objective is to support and encourage your child to discover the joy of learning while becoming creative and independent learners. We allow for experiences of exploration and experimentation with the world around them, to create expression within the child.
Children will develop a positive self-image while acquiring concentration and good work habits. Due to our child friendly prepared environment, the children develop a sense of community and responsibility motivated by courteousness and respect.
The children learn to care to the environment, equipment and share with friends so that they may become aware of their special strengths, abilities and uniqueness. Most of all we encourage independent thinkers and self-reliant “fathers of man” (Maria Montessori)
Children are not forced to engage in activity, the Montessori philosophy strongly believes in the power of observation as being a key element to guiding the child to be intrigued to explore work/activity.this self motivation stimulates confidence, and through repetition once the craft is mastered to perfection and is completed, the child moves onto more complex materials and satisfies his need to learn understand and explore.